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Mom's diet while breastfeeding


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What you ate during pregnancy remarkably impacted your health and your fetus. Your diet while breastfeeding also matters. After so much advice from all sides, you don't know what to eat during the postnatal period. Here are some guidelines for better nutrition.


what to eat during the postnatal period

Nutrition while breastfeeding: a healthy diet

Everything the mother eats passes into her milk and will be transmitted to her infant. It is, therefore, essential to balance the contents of your plate. Your baby's development depends on it. Daily meals should include five fresh fruits and vegetables spread throughout the day. Ideally, The menu will consist of starchy foods such as wholemeal bread and proteins from lean meats or legumes. If the mother does not have intolerance, she can take dairy products (cheese, milk and yoghurt). In case of discrimination, vegetable drinks (soy milk, oats, or rice) are an excellent option. If necessary, supplement with vitamin D.

Nutrition while breastfeeding: drink enough  

Constipation is one of the common problems of breastfeeding mothers. Already, during pregnancy, hormones have helped slow down transit. The postnatal period does not constantly improve the situation. To remedy this disorder best, it is essential to drink a lot, especially since the milky flow is responsible for much water. So have a bottle of water handy and drink between your meals. Don't deprive yourself of herbal teas and natural fruit juices.

 Nutrition while breastfeeding: foods to avoid    

You are wondering if any food restrictions are specific to the breastfeeding period. Here they are:   

Alcohol in all its forms. Although alcohol is said not to go into milk, it can negatively affect the taste and smell of breast milk. Alcohol is also responsible for sleep problems in toddlers. If you like wine, have up to two glasses a week. As much as possible, abstain.   

Tuna or swordfish. Like all large marine fish, tuna and swordfish contain mercury at sometimes high levels. Mercury will have the effect of hindering the child's development.   

Caffeinated drinks. Coffee, tea or other cola energy drinks should not be on your menu while breastfeeding. Caffeine has the disadvantage of keeping you awake and your baby as well…  

What foods promote milk production?    

If you feel that your milk production is insufficient, take note of the eight foods that can help you produce more and with a particular flavour:   

Oatmeal with milk or yoghurt for breakfast helps start your milk production. It gives you energy for the whole morning, even if breastfeeding is sometimes exhausting. In addition to carbohydrates and fibre in reasonable quantities, oats also contain iron, the essential element for the work of the mammary glands. It also helps regulate cholesterol and blood pressure in the body. 


 Although criticized by those who do not like its pungent smell, garlic is a plant with lactagogic properties. It helps to increase breast milk production by being consumed in common culinary preparations: soups, raw vegetables, etc.

Carrots and beets

 These vegetables are known for their beta-carotene, sugars and potassium content. The nutrients in carrots and beets stimulate infant growth. They support the mother's diet during breastfeeding since their appetite suppressant effect strengthens without causing the mother to gain excess weight.


 To supplement a mother's diet during breastfeeding, consider fennel seeds. The latter are genuine lactogenic products, simultaneously supporting digestion and preventing colic.

Dried fruits

 Raisins, figs, dates, and all dried fruits contain large quantities of antioxidants and stimulate breast milk production.


 Grated or cut into small pieces, fits perfectly into many recipes. Already during pregnancy, it was among the foods recommended to combat nausea. To include it in the mother's diet during breastfeeding, it can be taken as an infusion.


 Cumin seeds are one of the spices used daily and contribute to milk production thanks to their high iron content. They also improve digestion, regulate transit, calm heartburn, and combat flatulence.

Cinnamon benefits the breastfeeding mother's diet, not only by increasing production but also by the particular flavour it gives. Cinnamon powder should be consumed in hot milk with honey.


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